This Guy Sucks
He's not big boned, he's just fat
Things to do at a baseball game… get a beer, eat a hot dog, regale family and friends with witty tales, throw up on 11 year old girls.
Well, one of those things doesn't belong on the list for most fans, but it did for this guy. Matthew Clemmens, 21, threw up on Capt. (yes, he's a cop) Michael Vangelo's daughter at Wednesday's Phillies game. Clemmens moved to sit behind Vangelo after the 43 year old cop had ushers remove several other unruly fans. He stuck his fingers down his throat and vomited on the 11 year girl, then proceeded to wail away at her father. Fans quickly jumped in, and apparently got some good licks on Clemmens (look at that left eye!), but not nearly enough in my view.
And you wonder why Philly fans have a bad rap…
Full article at NBC Philadelphia
Chicks Dig the Long Ball also posted a little poem about him.
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