Carlos Ruiz Pimps Cintron and Ryan Howard Doesn't Like the Golden Girls
Right off the Packer Ave. exit of 95 via Kevin Cooney (@kevincooney)
Two Phillies debuted their newest endorsements this week (I think, some people are telling me this Ryan Howard commercial is old?). He continued his relationship with Subway- starring in another commercial with Jared, who, by the way, has to have a CK model-like obsession with body image. It's literally the only reason he is relevant. Anyway, apparently Ry How isn't a Bee Arthur fan. Truth.
And then we have Chooch.
Philadelphia based energy drink company, Cintron, has hired Ruiz to capitalize on his Panamanian cuteness. I don't actually have words to describe how awesome a giant Chooch billboard is, other than to say that it clearly worked, since we're talking about it. Well played, Cintron people.
But I must say, I'm a little disappointed. I kind of always wanted to see Chooch in a Verizon commercial. Let's set the scene:
Chooch calls someone on AT&T and they have no idea what he's saying in his typical broken English. Then, Verizon guys comes by, hands him a phone, and BOOM, perfect Queen's English.
This dream will live on. Chooch will walk off. But I don't think we will ever see him in any TV spots.
Video after the jump.
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