Pronger Named One of 12 Dirtiest Athletes in Sports, Nyjer Morgan Confirmed Prick
FOX Sports put together their list of the 12 Dirtiest Athletes in sports. And our own Chris Pronger made the cut. Aw, yay. [FOX Sports]
No defenseman is better in his own zone. Not coincidentally, no defenseman is nastier with his stick. Pronger is a master of medieval arts — hooking, slashing, cross-checking, high-sticking. This is why colleagues honored him as the league’s dirtiest player in separate magazine surveys. It’s hard to single out one Pronger highlight, but stepping on the calf of prone Canucks center Ryan Kesler (no angel himself) was a classic move.
Nods head.
Can't really disagree with any of this. What's interesting is who else made the list. How about Vincente Padilla and, our favorite Nats outfielder, Nyjer Morgan.
Carry on.