Meanwhile in Turkey, Allen Iverson was all Bonk, Bonk, Bonk
So, um, Allen Iverson's Turkish League debut was nothing to write home about. He scored two points for Besiktas Cola Turka in a 74-67 defeat to Fenerbahce Ulker on Sunday (although he did score 15 points in a Euro Cup game earlier in the week). Oh boy.
Perhaps more interesting was his coach's comments about AI in practice:
"When he comes first practice, he couldn't make even one point the whole practice. He shoot the ball, bonk, bonk, bonk."
Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. As Eric Freeman (@freemaneric) of Ball Don't Lie pointed out, there probably wasn't much lost in translation- "bonk" is pretty much universal language.
For the record, I still have December 21st in the "When Does AI Unceremoniously Leave Turkey Pool."