This Might be Why Roy Halladay Won't Talk to Howard Eskin
He's too busy being a beast. That's why.
[Full story on Eskin's rant on Halladay]
Here's a picture of Doc, allegedly taken today, running around the warning track at Citizen's Bank Park… in shorts. Approximate temperature at the time of the picture? Nine degrees.
The person who posted this on the Phillies message boards says his friend, who is there replacing seats (Phillies are adding a tacky-like substance to the cement in the second level, which requires them to remove seats) posted it to Facebook.
Halladay was in Philly this weekend, but I do question the picture a bit, since there was snow on the field last week and, well, it has been freezing out. However, if you look closely, there does appear to be snow in the bullpen and in Ashburn Alley.
Not a 100% on this, but that there seems to be Roy Halladay, in shorts, running around in nine degree weather. Fucking beast.
In other pitcher news, we do know these are real: Pictures from Kyle Kendrick's wedding.
Full of win.
H/T to Tom