Here's a random sampling from Mo Speights' Twitter, in which he complains about playing time, ugly women (a go-to Tweet for him), smelly people, female pilots, and I'm pretty sure there's something about blowies. I think.

These are all taken from over the last week.

Good game sixers . Wish I could help more !!!!!

He played three minutes that game.

I Follow Alot Of Ugly Female

Nice, Mo. Me too.

This man smell so bad ugh can y'all please move this guy. This guy really shouldn't be smelling this bad this early in the moring.

Kinda scared to see these two women going to be flying this plane where the dudes at shesh

You know, they do let women fly planes nowadays. They can also vote and…

My bro said girls who go to allstar weekend is thirsty . Lmao

Yep, slurp.

I actually met with his publicist a few months ago. If she is still employed by Mo, she really isn't doing her job.

Speaking of All-Star weekend… Lou Williams is using the time off to host a party with Bow Wow.

Next time we throw a party, gamewatch, or tailgate, I'm totally going with the gold and platinum trimmed, I wear my sunglasses at night, a couple of ex-NFLers are going to be here flyer.