Victorino_grammy_partyVicto and The Harters

– Who? They're a family Country group that sings a lot of folksy shit. The guy on the left conveniently looks like Scott Hartnell. Irrrrony.

CSN Philly's John Finger has more on Shane's appearance at Bigger Picture Group's pre-Grammy Celebration on Saturday, which included an appearance from Dan Akroyd.

Mitch_williams_joe_carterIf these guys weren't signing my paycheck… 

– This week, MLB Network is airing the "20 Greatest Games of All-Time." Coming in at #14… Game 6, 1993 World Series.

Every time Mitch and Joe were shown on set together, a little baby whale died in the Atlantic.

– According to Fang's Bites, NBC has tapped Jim Jackson and CSN Chicago's Pat Foley to call games on NBC's Hockey Day in America on February 20th. JJ will call the Caps-Sabres game not the Flyers- Rangers game. Makes sense.

Both JJ and Foley work for CSN, who is owned by Comcast, who now owns NBC. The takeover slowly begins… 

H/T to Burt