Bryce Harper Takes a Swipe at YOU
Nice eye black, you douche (Pic via, no really)
I’m telling you, you are going to hate this kid.
First, The Chosen One claims that he sees the Nationals (#yeahtheteamthatsellsdollartickets) as the Yankees of the NL East (Editor's note: I was wayyy off in the first part of that post). Then we learn he needs golf cart rides (along with Jayson Werth) to avoid the autograph crush at spring training. Now comes this little nugget from the Washington Post:
In West Virginia, Harper also endured the taunts of one particularly obnoxious fan who peppered him all series with, among other things, vulgarities pertaining to his mother and sister — stuff that was described by one person who was there as “the most vile things I’ve ever heard anyone say, on or off a baseball field.”
Asked about that experience, Harper acknowledged having heard all of it. But then he shrugged again and said, “It’s just getting me ready for Philly.”
No, trust me, Brycecake, nothing is going to get you ready for Philly, not even those dirty inbreds from West Virginia. See you soon.
H/T to (@kevin_reiss)