Kyle Kendrick's World Series Ring Was Found... and One of the Guys Who Stole it is a Whole Bag of Nuts
You can insert Kendrick location joke here ___________.
According to NBC Philadelphia, Kendrick's 2008 World Series ring was recovered – in a swamp – as part of a separate burglary investigation in Washington. The ring was found in possession of 33-year-old Arlington Washington.
Six people have been arrested since mid-April in connection to the taking of a bunch of things including Kendrick's World Series ring from his Washington State home. Only two of the people arrestees (Glyzinski and Kevan Ridge) have been identified.
Here's the fun part. It takes about three seconds to find Ridge's Facebook page. We would show you what he looks like, but Ridge doesn't really have any pictures of himself. Instead, he displayed these as his Facbeook profile pics:
He also recently added "cop killers" to his list of inspirational people. Nice.
You didn't really expect the people who stole KK's ring to be sane, did you?