Morning Wood: Silent Rs Rejoice
For they shall no longer be alone in this city.
First thing's first, though. That photo above is a much clearer picture of the dustup between Kyle Kendrick and Rich Dubee (thanks to Jacqueline for the pic). And here's some more info (unedited) from readers Matt and his friend, both of whom work at CBP:
i was in the right field bleachers watching worleys bullpen early sunday before the gates opened and maybe 15 mins after worleys bullpen as coaches tiamo and dubee were in the bullpen kendrick came walking out of the dugout. dubee yelled to kendrick to hustle up cause he was late than pointed to his watch and asked what time he was supposed to be out there. after kendrick warmed up with tiamo he came into the bullpen and dubee started talking to him. i was out of range to hear the conversation but kendrick said something to cause dubee to go off and he grabbed him by the chest and pushed him back. kendrick knocked his arm away said something and stormed out. he kept going as dubee yelled for him to come back and eventually he caught up with him by first base. than after a long talk kendrick came back for his bullpen. there were about 15-20 people watching i dont know if gates were open yet.
You can take this however you'd like, but something went down between the two of them.
Now to the real task at hand…
Paaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhk caaahhhhhhh Haaaavaaahhhhhd yaaaaaaahhhhhd aaaaaaaa
Baaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sheep sound bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Bostonians to town. This week's series against the Boston Red Sox could very well be a World Series preview. It has the same feel as that Phillies-Yankees series back in '09.
Tonight, The Clifton is going to hurl a myriad tricks like a magical steed pissing excellence into the Kentucky night. Or something like that. This is what he was brought here for. We know he owns the Yankees, let's see how he does against the Red Sox. Me thinks it's going to be something special- remembah that.
Josh Beckett will be his opponent.
Clifton spoke with Marshall Harris at Jimmy Rollins' charity bowling event last night. For realsies, this might be my favorite interview evah.
There's a very real possibility Lee was getting a lap dance while this was going on. There are few situations in which a man is that chill. He is so indifferent to our world.
Steve Bucci and John Millah break down the matchup.
My take on J-Roll's™ ridiculous Red Bull ad.