Morning Wood: Best Road Trip Ever Edition
Houston, we have a problem (no, Ed, I don’t need a starter). Yesterday, for the second day in a row, I went in search of a little mid-innings pick me up- a snickity snack, if you will. Unlike Tuesday night, I wasn’t aiming to keep my eyes open, I simply needed a little late-day sugar. Like Tuesday night, I founded myself reaching for Simply Enjoy’s raspberry sorbet (seriously, try it, it’s like angels feathering your tongue). It was at that point I realized I was approaching a very slippery slope…
On Tuesday, just moments after digging in like a wild boar in a walled garden, Clifton Lee mashed his second home run of the season. Yesterday, not three minutes after I began my methodical dismemberment of what little treat remained, Chase Utley hit a game-tying single and Ryan Howard tossed a bomb into the left field seats. Shit. You know what that means, folks: the raspberry sorbet is good luck. Later today, I will be stocking up on gallons and gallons of the stuff for the stretch run. I accept donations.
So either my newfound snack has special powers or the Phillies are just really good. They beat the Dodgers yesterday, 9-8, and completed their best road trip ever at 9-1. Full video highlights here.
Over the last 10 days, like a sweeping success story from Craglist’s casual encounters, this city has, from afar, fallen head-over-heels in love with Hunter Pence. We also witnessed Lee throw 17 shutout innings, a last-out comeback in Denver, more Dodger hilarity, and a brawl. Yeah, the Phillies deserve a standing ovation when they take the field at CBP tomorrow night.
Bill Lyon, legend, writes about how things are back to being funner.
With the news of HP3’s supposed move into Condo de Lee, most of you became rather excited. Just check out your reaction to our Facbeook posting:
Creepers. All of you.
As such, our man Mike (@MikeVickKrum) put together this somewhat disturbing flyer for HP3’s anticipated move:
We can only wish that at some point Kristen walks in on Pence having sexual on the couch.
If that scene sounds glorioius to you, make sure to check out our Definitive Phillies Man Crush Guide.
Reminder: Tonight, Drinker's Tavern in Old City, Phillies quizzo. I'm hosting, you're playing. 8 P.M.
Finally, Casey Blake wins today’s delusion award:
"All three games, [with] a hit here or there, we could win two out of three or sweep that series. But it seems like that's kind of been a theme for us all year."
Yeah OK, Casey. Maybe throw some Just For Men in that beard of yours.