Canadian Banana Tosser Looks Exactly Like What You Would Expect a Canadian Banana Tosser to Look Like
Oh boy. Wayne Simmonds just can’t stay out of the news. The guy who threw a banana at him in London, Ontario last week was arrested today.
Christopher Moorhouse, a 26-year-old from London, has been charged with “engaged in a prohibited activity on a premises under the trespass to property act.”
Oh Cananda, you and your silly sounding crimes.
From 980 AM radio in Canada, here is police chief Brad Duncan:
"Mr.Moorhouse has been served with a part three summons, and if convicted of this offence – could be liable to a fine of not more than $2,000. This is a provincial offence and not a criminal charge, and will be dealt with in the provincial offenses court."
"This incident affected, not only our local community, it was across the national and international plain – and obviously individuals have very strong feelings about what occurred and I just wanted to indicate this individual has expressed remorse, notwithstanding the actions that he undertook, but we don't want individuals to go beyond what the court will do in terms of the penalty. I've heard the term vigilantism," he said.
Crappy tan, askew wedding party tie, sunglasses-at-night, fratty let’s get rip-roarin’ drunk and rock this dance floor pose– check, check, and triple fucking check. This is exactly what one might have expected a Canadian banana tosser to look like. Or this.
Moorhouse will not be charged with a hate crime, according to Duncan. AM 980 has audio of the police chief.
via Puck Daddy