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Poor Devils. Their bus broke down en route to The Well yesterday and they had to walk the remaining two whole blocks from Broad and Pattison to the arena: [, which sounds unpleasant]

The team bus broke down as it was exiting Route 95 near the arena complex. Instead of waiting for another bus, the team walked the remaining two blocks from the corner of Broad Street and Pattison Ave.

“The bus broke down about two blocks away,” Devils coach Pete DeBoer said. “The transmission went on it. We either had the option of waiting for a ride or walking and we chose to walk. So it was a nice warm-up for the game.


Funny. Kind of hilarious. But they really had the option of waiting for a ride from Broad and Pattison? That’s closer than half of the parking lots. Good call on walking.

Speaking of the ridiculous, our friends over at Bleacher Creatures Toys [via Puck Daddy] have taken their talents to the rink. The makers of the Chase Utley plush puppet – or as I call him, son – released two plush Flyers toys: Danny Briere and James van Riemsdyk.

Cute. But why do I get the sneaking suspicion that the Briere toy would have preferred a nasty Claude Giroux companion?

Still looking for that beast mode switch on JVR’s doll.

H/T to (@markmcgeever1)