Jeremy Roenick Calls Philly Fans "Crazy Sons of Bitches," and it Wasn't a Compliment
There are so many things to hate about this screen grab
Oh my. I temporarily blacked out while watching this video.
Jeremy Roenick is a jackass. I’d rip Jay Mohr and the other dude who I don’t know sitting on set, but really, why bother?
Via Puck Daddy comes this clip from “Master Debaters,” a new FUEL TV (?) show debuting tonight at 10:30. In it, Mohr and his greasy-haired cohorts discuss the country’s most annoying fans. Guess how long it took them to get to Philadelphia?
Exactly one minute.
In voting Philadelphia the most annoying fans, the following exchange took place. [Don’t think we don’t know what they’re doing, though: releasing the clip to get people riled up and talking about the show, which will inevitably be cancelled before Halloween]
More: I say Philadelphia are the most disgusting human being I’ve even seen in my life.
Unknown: They’re terrible.
Moor: They pick fights with cops, they spit on the players…
Roenick: They booed Santa Claus…
Moore: They boo Santa Claus. They threw snowballs at Michael Irvin on a friggin’ stretcher, the guy might have had a broken neck and they threw freaking snowballs at him [editors note: no, we didn’t].
Roenick: Do you remember when Tie Domi of the Maple Leafs were playing the Flyers and he was in the penalty box and that Philadelphia fan dove through the glass into the penalty box after the guy?
Mhhor: Didn’t work out well for them.
Roenick: That is messed up fans. Philadelphia fans [are] crazy, crazy sons of bitches.
Unknown: It doesn’t matter what event, what sport it is, the fans are ridiculous. They hate you. They had a jail under Veteran’s Stadium. Like it’s crazy there.
There’s mohr, too. I guess they forget about the stabbings, DUIs, and fights involving California sports fans. Or the Cowboys fan who tasered a marine at the Jets game on Sunday.
Yeah, this show is going to be canceled in a minute. And as for you, JR, you were dead to us when you cried after the 2010 Stanley Cup Finals. Go to hell, you ungrateful prick.
Watch the video after the jump. Caution: blood will boil.
The video is courtesy of Puck Daddy
Master Debaters: Jeremy Roenick on Philly Fans from Greg Wyshynski on Vimeo.