China Made More Knockoff Winter Classic Jerseys

Kyle Scott | November 1, 2011

Of course they did.

As we told you last week, the supposed but unconfirmed Flyers Winter Classic jerseys are probably not real, and perhaps as a way to fast-track that assertion, some presumed Chinese knockoffs showed up on the interwebtuals this week.

From (a name that just reeks of authenticity) we find this Wayne Simmonds sweater, complete with logo, name, Winter Classic patch, and this sure-to-be-real slogan! (!!!!!)

I bet, Scoob.

Price? $45.

Ironically, is one of many sites that sold the I got raped by a pumpkin jersey that we see draped over many folks at The Well. Look:

There’s only one Winter Classic, TJ. How can both be the jersey the player wears on the ice?!?! (!!!)

Because they're fake. That's how.

China: if you can’t beat ‘em, just make shit up!

H/T to (@mvptommyd)