Today Marks The Beginning of "Integrity Awareness Week" at Penn State
Photo via Penn State student (@RBecklerPSU)
This continues to spin into the realm of unfortunate things. And sadness.
Mostly sadness.
Today, November 7, marks the beginning of Penn State’s Smeal College of Business “Integrity Awareness Week.”
From The Daily Collegian, Penn State’s student newspaper: [written on Friday]
Starting Monday, the Smeal for Life committee will hold its second annual Integrity Awareness Week to promote the three pillars of the Smeal College of Business — integrity, professionalism and caring.
Desai (graduate-business administration) said the pillars and the honor code show that members of the Smeal community “wouldn’t do anything unprofessional and would follow the moral standards of their college.”
“Smeal has been leading this initiative to promote integrity, professionalism and caring in the Penn State community,” Desai said.
I have no connection to Penn State. None. But it’s hard not to feel bad for the students, professors, coaches, administrators, and every other decent person in Happy Valley who has to deal with this negative light cast on the school… all because some weirdo liked to touch little boys, and some administrators didn’t have the guts to call police.
The business school’s “Integrity Awareness Week” and the “Sandusky Blitz” ice cream (which has now been removed from the menu at the Penn State Creamery) are just two unfortunate ironies.
Now, in something that is not so much ironic as it is maddening, Jerry Sandusky worked out in the Penn State locker room. Last week. [Yahoo!]
Embattled former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky continued to be a presence around the Penn State football program up to his arrest Saturday on child molestation charges, including working out multiple times in the team’s weight room just last week, according to multiple sources within the football program.
The sources, who asked to remain unnamed due to the nature of the scandal, said they saw Sandusky working out in the Lasch Football Building last week.
That was nine years after he was seen having sex with a boy in the showers… in the same building.