Fat Scott Paterno Responds Fatly and Angrily to Media Request

Kyle Scott | January 14, 2012


Later today (4 p.m.) the Washington Post will release an exclusive interview with Joe Paterno. Why 4 p.m.? I have no idea. But on Thursday, Fat Scott Paterno issued a statement which hinted at the gripes we will hear from his incongruently thin father. FSP's reemergence led some to assume that he was back in charge of Joe’s, um, public relations despite the announcement of image guru Dan McGinn being hired by the first family of Happy Valley back in November.  

So, Luke O’Brien of Deadspin left Scott a message to ask him about a tip he had received. FSP called back. Twice.

This is how O’Brien translated their “conversation”: [Deadspin]




Fat Scott Paterno was angered by the inquisition, and referred O’Brien to the aforementioned McGinn, who is apparently still running the show, which will pick up steam today at 4 p.m. when the Washington Post releases its interview with Joe. We will look forward to that.