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Earlier today, Jerry Sandusky told the media that he didn’t understand why neighbors, who had once been friends of his, turned on him and took issue with him sitting on his deck while children play at a nearby school. Now, one of those neighbors, it seems, sent video into NBC 10 which gives us an idea as to just how close Sandusky’s back deck is to the nearby school.

I’m not exactly sure what to make of the video. One on hand, it’s uncomfortable watching an accused child rapist do anything. On the other, Sandusky’s not breaking any laws in the video (he’s allowed on his deck), and he’s in no way checking out the children (at least not in this short clip). If anything, this video just gives us a sense of the proximity and sight lines Jerry has to a playground. And that makes us all ewy.

Also, I'm sure the Cleveland Browns are thrilled that Sandusky is wearing their logo.

Video after the jump.


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