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Bernie: Look at him– he's like a big bear. You just want to hug him.

Bryz: Teddy bear.


Bernie Parent and Ilya Bryzgalov were with our fine sponsors, BC Sports, in the Manoa Shopping Center yesterday, and, of course, NBC 10’s resident stalker John Clark (I say that admiringly) was there to speak with the legend and our wacky-turned-best-player-in-the-NHL Russian goalie. 

For the first time in a while, we get to see Bryz not in his here to destroy you trance, which is nice. He even jokes about the pressure on him and taking three shots of vodka before every game. It’s hard to tell if he was talking about Bernie taking shots (because that would be 100% believable) or himself (which I’m 99.9% would be a joke, because Bryz says doesn’t drink). A (large) part of me wants to envision Bryz sitting in a room, perhaps nude, smoking cigarettes and sipping the nectar of his homeland before every contest in front of silly Americans. But I doubt that’s the case, unfortunately.

Delightful wacky goalie exchange video after the jump.

video via NBC 10