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Natitude! Can you feel it?!

The (first place…) Nationals are, ostensibly, going to TAKE BACK THEIR PARK May 4-6. They’re very confident that they will do so. So confident, in fact, that they… are giving away free tickets (!!!) (?).


Thanks go out to Adrienne (@adebartle), who saw this ad in this morning’s Washington Post. It sends you to this webpage, which offers you up to 8 free tickets for a future game, if you purchase tickets (minimum of 2) to any of the Phillies games in early May.

Look, I tested it:

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Just for shitstains and laughs (phrasing?), I put in for 4 lower level tickets for the game on Saturday, May 5,  and was given these great (!) seats behind home, plus 4 free tickets to a Mets game in July. Awesome.

So, this tells us two things: 1) They are nowhere near taking back their park and 2) our #takeover trip on May 6 will meet even less resistance than initially thought (and we weren’t thinking it would be much…).

Speaking of that trip, tickets are still available. $120 gets you bus, lower-level game ticket, food, beer and a t-shirt. Details and tickets here.