The Sixers Punked A Bunch Of 250-Year-Old Massachusetts Delegates Today
Last year, the Flyers attempted to take a swipe at Boston and their history by initiating the Philadelphia Tea Party, a lame event which saw a dozen or so Flyers fans tossing tea off the Moshulu (or the MooShoeLou, as Hunter Pence calls it).
Besides the ridiculousness of it all, it came on the day after Osama bin Laden was killed, while patriotism was at a 10-year high– hard to poke fun at a seminal moment in our country’s history when everyone is out on their front lawns singing My Country, ‘Tis of Thee.
The Sixers, however, got it right in their attempt today to take a friendly swipe at Boston: They draped Sixers garb over the Massachusetts delegates at the Constitution Center. Behold:
Simple, fun, and Instagramed perfectly on this slow sports day. And oddly, these gentlemen fondly recall Ray Allen's birth.