Evan Turner: Not a Fan of Crossing Broad, Tanking

Kyle Scott | July 22, 2013

I’m not sure if it was calling him Beaker, the accusations of bipolarity, or the pictorial of his smokeshow girlfriend… but it would seem that Evan Turner is not a fan of yours truly. Which is truly disheartening.

Participating in an ask.FM chat (do people actually use this horribly-named thing?), Beaker was asked (not by me) about his favorite local sports blogger:

I don’t know how to take this. I thought being blocked on Twitter by ET was a badge of honor. But an ask.FM slamming? That’s harsh. It might not just be me, though. It doesn’t seem like Evan is a fan of any blogger or negative voice:

Maybe, Turnman. Maybe. We might get an…

… yeah, one of those.

Turner answered pretty much any question during his sesh, which is noble. Like a steed. Some of those other highlights:

He doesn’t want to tank for Andrew Wiggins (DISAGREE! DISAGREE!):

He never bought Condoms with a capital C:

Black guys don’t do hockey:

Worried about some Hinkie Panky™? 

On Mark Titus, who wrote a somewhat controversial book with quite a few ET-crazy dotes of anec:

H/T to (@dannydobbs) and (@stein411)