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Pictured: Dom Brown’s pregnant girlfriend, Dom Brown’s mom

The Phillies are mediocre on the field, but crushing it in their Tinder game. A few weeks ago it was Phillies catcher Wil Nieves (figure I have to write that out since I’m guessing 42% of you had no idea he was a Phillie) – who, ostensibly, was using his adorable baby daughter to lure women on the dating app – and now it’s what looks to be Domonic Brown:

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It is possible, as was the case with Nieves, that this is a fake profile. But, like Nieves, whose match was “15 miles away” in Southern California, Brown’s match, who sent this to me, lives in Collingswood, which, according to Maps, is exactly six miles from Citizens Bank Park and Philadelphia in general… which is where Dom Brown would’ve been “12 hours ago” from 11:35 a.m. on Saturday morning– about an hour after the Phillies game ended on Friday night.

As for the picture? It is of Brown and Luke Bryan (thanks, Twitter) from when Bryan visited the Phillies last year. It’s publicly available on Brown’s Instagram. But. But note that the Tinder picture (right) shows a poster next to Bryan’s right arm. The Instagram picture doesn’t. Which means that the Tinder picture couldn’t have been taken from Instagram by someone pretending to be Brown, and I can’t find the picture anywhere else online. So, all signs point to this being the real Dom Brown… or someone without access to un-cropped photos on his phone…  using a picture with country star Luke Bryan to lure women on Tinder.

Instagram pic (left), Tinder pic (right)

Instagram pic (left), Tinder pic (right)

I don’t get it. Possibly married Nieves using Tinder to stealthily pick up chicks? Fine. But when you’re Dom Brown – an all-star, young and single Major League Baseball player – using Tinder isn’t just weird, it should be outlawed. It’s like fishing with dynamite… in a fish tank. It’s not fair. Not only are you going to catch all the fish, but you’re also going to bring down the entire ecosystem. How is the common man supposed to troll for poon online when he’s competing with notable professional athletes?

UPDATE: A dedicated CB reader and known jersey chaser contacted me and said: “There was no mention of [his pregnant girlfriend] three weeks ago when myself and my friend went to his apartment after hours to hang out.”

H/T to (@KayTeeeOh)