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Last night, Josh Innes, oh he of WIP, went after 97.5’s Mike Missanelli, by name*, over his Tweet and ensuing explanation. I present to you a sampling:

“He seems to have some sort of an audience, but I know this this– I’d love the opportunity to take him down. I would love that opportunity. And I know I could. Because people get tired of listening to jamokes like Mike Missanelli. I, I, I, I fight my producer I’m awesome. Yeah great. You’re a real man, Mike Missanelli.”

“He’s the outright, undisputed king of douchebaggery in the city of Philadelphia.”

He then went on to unveil a segment called Mikey Miss Tweets History, in which Missanelli fires off questionable Tweets during famous moments in history. A couple of those:

“Hey minorities– MLK goes down! Civil Rights movement is over!”

“Hey Magic Johnson, your white blood cells are over. You’re probably a homosexual who’s in love with me.”

Where’s Damon Feldman?

*Radio people, more than any other mainstream media people, have this weird phobia of mentioning competitors by name or station. It’s dumb, really. So hearing Innes actually use Missanelli’s name earns him some extra credit points here.