Your Monday Morning Roundup
So what did we learn this bye week? We learned that the Cowboys are probably for real (at least until their annual December implosion) and that Dez Bryant is a man. We learned that Kyle Orton still has some hilarious heroics left in him. We learned that we’ve reached peak Seahawks. We’ve learned that the Flyers are not going to win a game in regulation all season. And we learned that you should never take my betting or fantasy advice– we’ll leave that to our friends at Godfather Locks and Draft Kings.
Let’s hit it!
But first, a word from our sponsors:
Culture. These babies are being printed as we speak and will start shipping on October 23. Short and long sleeve available. Green and grey available. Get one. And if you combine it with any other Eagles shirt, save $5 by using code CULTURE. We accept PayPal.
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More. Already have all of our shirts? Philly Phaithful has great selections, too. Check them out.
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The roundup:
Hearing that the Flyers plan to announce a new, female in-arena host to work with Dancin’ Shawny. No idea if it’s in response to the backlash over the Ice Girls thing (it probably is), but if I were the Flyers, I’d choose someone who is ambitiously unattractive, almost ironically so, like Quinn’s new girlfriend in Homeland. This way they can respond to future criticism about being sexist by pointing to the video board and saying, “Have you met our new in-game host?”
Fairly certain Sidney Crosby dressed as Rocky for Halloween:
Five years ago last night. And they have done it to Broxton again! In Game 4! Wow, what a finish!
Couldn’t agree more, Sheil. Some NFL Network director is dreading a meeting request from his boss this morning. TWICE. It happened TWICE. I’m surprised Scott Hanson didn’t leave alpha base zero, head to the control room, and maul the guy with his lapel pin. Also, side benefit of watching RedZone– here’s an actual conversation I had with Mrs. CB yesterday:
Will you take out the trash at the commercial?
Sure. Anything for you, my love.
Masked gunmen robbed the Chickie’s and Pete’s in Drexel Hill yesterday, one of them wearing a Chickie’s and Pete’s hoodie:
The men then took the manager and three other employees and locked them in a freezer, Chitwood said. A kitchen manager found them shortly after.
“Those people would have froze to death in that freezer,” Chitwood said.
One of the gunmen, seen on surveillance footage, was wearing a Chickie’s and Pete’s hoodie. Chitwood believes the robbers had a car waiting for them outside, possibly a silver Toyota Prius.
A Prius.
Please add Jason Diamond of the Men’s Journal to your shit lists:
Hear us out on this one: Philadelphia has some great and storied franchises, but they also have notoriously bad fans. But maybe a good idea would be to move all four of the teams for two years, trying them out in different markets to get a feel for how they might work out, but also to sorta punish the fans for the bad behavior.
H/T to reader Justin
Possibly the best photo of the NFL season:
This is my view of Helfet's feet in the TD attempt just now. @seattletimes
— John Lok (@jlokseattle) October 19, 2014
The overly-sensitive, mostly-completely-misguided Union had negative (but clean) signs removed from the stands this weekend. There’s a way to endear yourself to a fan base after yet another disappointing season in a C-level league.
LeSean McCoy on the Giants: “We kicked their ass. I liked it.”
There are some reports out there that the Flyers are not happy with Brayden Schenn and that a move is possible. Don’t know how much there is to that, since I’m mostly unfamiliar with the reporter, but, um, yeah, Schenn stinks right now.
Penn State head coach James Franklin TOOK THE CHOPPER to the Bonner game Friday night:
Selling impressionable kids on the completely unrealistic, fantasyland concept of being a baller who flies into high school games on a helicopter is pretty goddamn lame. Yeah, there’s a logistical benefit to using a helicopter to get around, but 1) what a waste of money, and 2) grow up, Peter Pan.
Great use of social media here. That’s totally the move. I outlawed it back in the day. Instant loss if you scored using it:
Liberty Broadcast
We are thrilled to add Bleeding Green Nation’s BGN Radio to For my money, and without hyperbole, this is the best Eagles discussion you can listen to anywhere on Earth. Post-game shows with sane (but still passionate) reactions, great guests, and standalone fantasy shows. Take, for example, their Week 7 bye week show with Sheil Kapadia of Philly Mag’s Birds 24/7. Just listen to that and tell me it’s not better than anything on sports talk radio, CSN, or ESPN when it comes to Eagles discussion.
If you’re keeping score at home, you can now use this link (bookmark it, or subscribe to the shows!), to listen to our show, Crossing Streams… one of the all-time sports talk radio greats, Tony Bruno… and now, BGN Radio. There’s more to come, too.