Michael Del Zotto Never Quits, Even Hits up Random Girls on Instagram for Dates
A wishing-to-remain-anonymous reader sent this in. It’s an Instagram conversation she had with noted dating fiend Michael Del Zotto. I’ll let her describe what happened:
Basically he just sent a picture of himself saying hey where are you from, what do you do etc. I figured Id mess with him a little so I told him those things followed up by a ‘how about you’ and he pretty much responds in a “I play for the NHL how do you not know this” way which made me laugh, after he asked me to text him I thought I should give him a heads up that I was taken given all the posts of myself and my boyfriend. He asks about ‘cute friends’ so I told him my neighbor and he immediately asked for a picture. (Shes told me shes looking for a guy to hang out with so I sent him her picture) and he just asked for more and then asked if I had any other single friends … That was it basically. Sorry for making this so long haha.
I’m beginning to think there are A LOT of Michael Del Zotto stories. Do you have one? Anonymity assured.
More of the exchange between our anonymous reader – whose image blurring skills are oh-so-perfect in this context- and Del Zotto, after the jump.
In case you’re wondering, it takes Del Zotto only four private social media messages to get to giving his digits to random strangers:
He sort of reminds me of Stewie’s girlfriend in Family Guy who just wanted cookies. Del Zotto just wants friends.