Skip Bayless' Twitter Timeline was a Thanksgiving Gift to us All
Earlier this week, lifelike wax figure Skip Bayless tweeted “The Dallas Cowboys are going to beat the Eagles (b/c Cowboys have better QB, RB, WR, line and D) and they are going to win the NFC East.” Bayless was obviously very wrong, and few things in life can bring more joy than reveling in an incorrect Skip Bayless prediction. Christmas when you’re a kid is probably number one. The birth of your first child is up there. Your wedding day, sure. But watching Skip Bayless melt down is a strong number four.
During the game yesterday, Bayless was tweeting his reaction, which went through all five stages of grief, while we grabbed those tweets (and some of the best, less profane responses) in a Storify after the jump. It was the Thanksgiving we all deserve.
“Your team is booty” probably wins the day.