I was sick yesterday (and still am today*) so Jim took the one about someone from Florida reportedly planning to make a telephone call to Chip Kelly. But let me give my brief thoughts: JESUS F. CHRIST, STOP WITH THE CLICK-BAIT NONSENSE.
*Fueled by no food, tea, Gatorade and a slight fever over the last 24 hours, so ignore my loopiness.
You want to know why this shit gets written with such salacious and innuendo-filled headlines? SOCIAL BUZZZZZZZ:
That’s 2,400 Facebook shares in about 20 hours. Philly.com didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so their Twitter person took it took the next level this morning:
Stop it. The original report comes from Marc Farzetta. I have nothing against him, but I’ve found that reports originating from sports talk radio hosts – especially weekend and fill-in hosts without a background in reporting – should be taken with huge cubes of salt. Where’s the discretion here? Will someone from Florida contact Chip? Yeah, probably. Why wouldn’t they? If I had his number, I would’ve contacted him for our open blogger position. Why not? It would’ve made for good publicity at the very least. I could see the headlines now: Chip Kelly turns down not-so-lucrative blogging offer citing familial concerns and overall well-being. Florida (and Chip) gets their name in headlines now because someone (maybe even Chip’s agent) leaked that they were going to call quite possibly the hottest name in American sports coaching. We’ve talked about this before. Big-time schools would be dumb not to place a phone call, but there’s no chance, at this point, that Chip leaves an NFL coaching job – with a team that is 16-4 over its last 20 regular season games, where he gets to coach in 4-5 prime time games per year, doesn’t have to recruit players or worry about their grades (which he’s said he doesn’t like), works in the Northeast near where he’s from, and is reinventing the sport at the highest level – to go back to coaching college and worrying about all the extra restrictions that come with such a gig, not the least of which is less money. If he was a big failure in the NFL thus far? Then yeah, maybe he would consider leaving. But he’s not a failure, and he has shown no sides that he’ll ever be one. He looks more like Young Belichick than Young Spurrier. There’s so much madness here, and it’s driven me to agree with Howard Eskin, who shot down the report emanating from his own employer:
All these stories and reports are self-serving nonsense. It’s self-serving for whoever leaked it (Florida if it was them, Chip if it was his agent), the reporter (hey, Marc Farzetta’s name is a thing today!), CBS Philly (SOCIAL SHARING!), Philly.com (PAGE VIEWZ), sports talk radio (TOPICS!) and sick bloggers (make fun of everyone else!). Enough already!