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Now that the Dallas Cowboys have stolen a playoff win while Chris Christie looked on from Jerry Jones’ box, Christie’s Cowboys fandom has once again come into question. The first time around, as Christie watched the Cowboys beat the Eagles from Jones’ box, it was mostly Eagles fans (and Philadelphians, and people with common decency) who raised issues with it. But now that Chris and his tarp-sized sweater were shown enthusiastically and awkwardly embracing Jones during a widely watched playoff game, more people have begun to bring up the Governor’s allegiances. And Governor Christie’s brother, Todd, who has the same goofy-shaped head as his brother, is not happy about it.

Todd posted a status on Facebook defending Chris (and ripping everyone else). It reads as follows, if you can’t read the image above:

To all of those non Cowboy fans who have their panties in a ringer because the Governor of NJ is a Cowboys fan—GET A LIFE !!! The Gov has been a Cowboys fan for his entire life and ALL of you would sit with the owner of your favorite team in a heartbeat if given the chance. I’m a Giants fan—we are sitting home for the fourth straight year. Eagles fans—possibly you should worry more about the fact that your sorry ass team has never won a Super Bowl and less about who’s rooting for which team. I mean crazy pathetic posts. And for every calorically challenged FB person who posts about the Gov’s weight–forget the magic mirror and look at yourself. Weight posts—really?

Todd Christie, likely the classier Christie, pulled the old “count the rings” argument. Nice. And where could this kind of attitude have come from?

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Ah, there it is. Todd is a St. Louis Cardinals fan from New Jersey, which is the same as being a Cowboys fan from New Jersey, or a Yankees fan from anywhere else, really.

UPDATE: The Christie family is seriously the worst:

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