AN UPDATE: Pat Burrell Has Now Joined Instagram
On the heels of his historic, potentially drunken slide down a sand mound on Super Bowl Sunday, Pat Burrell has decided to join Instagram, seemingly at the urging of Chase Utley. That is a sentence I never thought I’d write.
Also, this photo:
God those guys in the middle must feel so safe, so secure.
Go follow Pat on Instagram. Also: PLEASE TELL ME HE’S ON SNAPCHAT!* Pat was born for Snapchat.
*I just joined– crossingbroad. Add me. I have no idea how it works, so there’s a reasonable chance I’ll accidentally send you a video of me singing Justin Timberlake’s “Mirrors” in nothing but a strategically-placed sock that was originally intended to embarrass my wife at work. Never choose a career path that allows you to work from home, kids.