The Goldbergs Tackles Forbidden Love between Eagles and Cowboys Fans
After first getting a Hextall reference out of the way and then trying (and succeeding) to make a visit to the Vet possible, ABC’s The Goldbergs took on an all-too familiar topic: Forbidden love amongst the offspring of rivals. Montague and Capulet? Nope. Eagles and Cowboys.
Dave Koechner — Champ Kind himself — guest-starred as the Cowboy-loving father of Barry Goldberg’s girlfriend. And he played just the kind of Jenkintown-residing Cowboy fan you’d expect: Brash, cocky, overcompensating with tons of gear, and over-the-top enough to call his house “Cowboy Country” and insist that you refer to them as America’s Team.
So that’s the Flyers and Eagles, and the Phillies are on the way, for The Goldbergs. That leaves only the Sixers. There weren’t many notable things in the late-80s — the timeframe has them firmly in the Sir Charles era of Sixers basketball — but maybe they could do something with Dr. J’s retirement tour. I’m sure Josh Harris would be all over it.