CBP Now Has Metal Detectors at Every Gate
After launching the metal detector program at the Right Field Gate last season, Citizens Bank Park will feature walk-through metal detectors at every gate this season. It’s all part of the league-wide program that will put them in every park this year.
The Phillies now recommend that you “allow for extra time when entering Citizens Bank Park,” as the detectors will increase the line and entry time from last year’s average of, like, 15 seconds or something. But you get to keep your belt on:
Unlike the standard procedures of the Transportation Security Administration, fans will not be required to remove shoes or belts. Those who cannot pass through a metal detector will be checked with a hand-held device.
All cell phones, cameras, keys and other large metal items will need to be removed prior to passing through the metal detectors. Guests will place these items in a screening bowl alongside each individual machine in close proximity and in clear sight. Once through the metal detector, fans can easily and quickly gather their items and proceed inside the ballpark.
It’s gonna slow you down, but at least Jonathan Papelbon will feel safe.
Kyle: I’d assume that the net time to enter, based on attendance and security, will still decrease. Seriously. But when the Phillies are good again in 10 years, this is going to be a real problem.