Joe Banner Likes That Chip Kelly is Tearing Apart What he Built
Joe Banner, these days, is more known for his Twitter acumen than anything else. And that is for good reason, because if Marcus Hayes is to be believed, he’s bearded, tanned, and happy to not be involved in football anymore. Well, “not involved” is a bit of a stretch, since he “remains in frequent contact with Lurie and Reid; almost daily, with [Howie] Roseman,” but he’s not in a position of any decision-making anymore (or any position at all).
But still, it’d be nice to know what Banner, an architect of the pre-Kelly teams, thinks of what Chip is doing. He’s on board:
“Chip has the confidence that he and his coaching staff can prepare the replacement player to play. How many times have we seen a coach start Player X, when most people believe Player Y is better, but Player X has the experience; then, Player X gets hurt, and Player Y finally gets to play, and is clearly better? It happens all the time. I’ve been preaching this for years.”
Oh no, Chip. Joe Banner thinks what you’re doing is a good idea. HARD-A-STARBOARD. STEER AWAY. Just kidding. No, but for real, that’s not a great sign.