Chip Kelly's Secret Marriage Wasn't a Secret, It's Just that No One Asked
Chip Kelly is a private guy. We know that, and it’s also the focus of reporter Albert Breer piece on Kelly that went up today (which is a must-read). But he’s not actively hiding himself from people, he just doesn’t like the media and putting his personal stuff out there. He told Breer that it’s not like he was hiding that he was once married, it was simply that no one ever asked about it:
“She’s awesome,” Kelly said of ex-wife Jennifer Jenkins. “She’s a good person. And I was married for a while. And I never tried to hide that — it was in the University of New Hampshire media guide, just like it always was. And I was never asked the question before. No one ever said that, so I don’t know why it’s a revelation. Not a revelation to me. Everybody in my life — my family, my parents, her family, my girlfriend now — they all know what my life is all about. I’m not a People Magazine or an US Magazine guy.”
Quick, everyone ask Chip any possible question you can think of. It’s the only way to get the truth.
Kyle: Imagine if his current girlfriend – this girlfriend? – found out that he was previously married by reading the Washington Post story.