Sarah Palin Comes Out in Defense of Curt Schilling

Kyle Scott | August 28, 2015

Oh, this tweet?

Sarah Palin, that GILF-ish celebutante who was almost a heartbeat away from becoming the leader of the free world, has come out in defense of former Phillie, noted Republican, and sorta bat-shit-crazy Curt Schilling.

The other day, Schilling tweeted the above image, which got him suspended by ESPN.

Today or last night (I don’t feel like checking), Palin took to Facebook to defend Schil:

By denying the accuracy of Schilling’s tweet, ESPN shows its weakness as it buys into the propaganda of ISIS and other terror organizations, helping mislead the public about the very real threat of terrorism. It shows once again that ESPN would rather concentrate on liberal global politics instead of report well on our beloved sports.

From those of us who used to LOVE the network (to the point of addiction, some would confess!), I say to ESPN – you are awful in this. Stick to sports.

Think it had less to do with politics and more to do with an on-air personality relating otherwise well-intentioned Muslim viewers to Nazis. But either way, count Palin in Schil’s corner in this controversy that literally no one cares about.

How many days until football, Mr. Glen Man?