Absolutely Savage Move by This Inquirer Editor to Tweet about Eating Caviar Just Days after Massive Layoffs

Jim Adair | November 9, 2015

Philadelphia Inquirer City Editor Nancy Phillips, the apparent girlfriend of former company co-owner Lewis Katz, who died in a plane crash last year, likely didn’t have to fear for her job last week as Katz’s former partner, Gerry Lenfest, and his crew, initiated massive layoffs. So, why not celebrate being great at life with a little truffle and caviar?

In 2013, Phillips was also accused of, emphasis mine, “breaking down how much each [writer] earned per story written and told the owners that her fellow journalists were paid too much.” Well now many of them will be paid nothing, and Phillips can eat all the caviar she wants without having to think about them. They’re thinking about her though:

Kyle: Allow me to be elitist for a moment: truffle makes anything better. I’m not at the caviar level yet. But truffles-oil-butter, whatever? Fantastic. That said, this is maybe the douchiest Tweet of all-time. Just next level media elitism. I’m surprised the Tweet didn’t include an Ivory Tower Emoji.

via (@RebeccaTheim)