Lane Johnson Apologizes Directly to Fans, Addressing Them in Third Person on Twitter Account His Marketing Guy Runs
That there is Lane Johnson’s apology for his comments shredding Eagles fans. He posted his thoughts to Twitter, addressing fans in the third person, literally minutes after telling Josh Panuil of Philly Mag that his marketing guy handles his account:
“Twitter is a dangerous place. People can just say whatever they want,” he told Birds 24/7. “Social media has changed the way people approach the game now. They fear they’re going to be turned into a meme or something like that because people have to deal with that. The best thing to do is probably stay off of it or try to avoid it. There’s a lot of guys that don’t even have it, like my marketing guy runs my Twitter. I don’t really deal with it anymore, just my Instagram page. It’s different than it used to be.”
30 minutes later, “Johnson’s” Tweet:
— Lane Johnson (@LaneJohnson65) November 24, 2015
Us appreciate his contrition, Lane.
UPDATE: Well, some don’t. Storify of the best responses after the jump.