Mike Missanelli emailed me to sound the RADIO WARS alarm – presumably a harsh wail of some sort that’s bookended by Dr. Glat and Lowell Myerson ads – about the recent release of Talkers.com’s and RadioInk.com’s sports talk radio host rankings.

“Radio Ink and Talkers magazine both had me ranked in the top 20 sports talk host list,” the email read. “No radio wars news for that?”

Would we call that shameless self promotion a violation? We might. But I applaud the spirit. So ask and ye shall receive:

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Missanelli came in at number 15 on Talker’s Heavy Hundred* list, and, uh, I’m not sure where on Radio Ink’s because their website is a pile a horseshit. But Mike’s not the only Philly name on Talker’s list… or even the highest. Angelo Cataldi came in at number 10:

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The rest:

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You can see the full thing here.

Innes is reportedly upset about his ranking (no audio yet):

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Welcome to Philadelphia. The newspapers are falling apart, I’m blogging about my love Bryce Harper, Jim about a guy who would drive about seven total page views, and the two drive-time radio hosts are battling it out in arbitrary rankings. And you know what? I don’t even blame them. This town is an absolute shit show right now. Hell, I guess I’ll just throw some wood on the fire tomorrow with my Philly sports talk radio dream lineup.

*I’ll just let commenters make the fat jokes for me.