We’re just fifteen days away from Thanksgiving, which means one thing: horrifying videos of people failing to properly fry a turkey. It doesn’t have to be difficult and our friends at Cynch are here to help you fry your turkey safely. They’re masters in utilizing propane in a variety of ways -including fueling your patio heaters to make use of your outdoor space as the temperatures drop- so they know the best and safest way to do it.

Let’s get some basics out of the way. Before you ever consider frying a turkey, consider the following:

What You Need to Fry a Turkey

In order to safely fry a turkey, you’ll need the following:

  • A large outdoor space with adequate distance from your house, trees, and any garage or awning.
  • Tarps or cardboard to cover an 8-foot radius to protect the ground or concrete from permanent oil stains. The splatter zone for a turkey fry typically extends to a 5-foot radius, so this expanded size should prevent any staining issues.
  • A fire extinguisher.
  • A long-stemmed thermometer.
  • An AmeriGas propane tank for each turkey you plan on frying.
  • A thawed turkey, patted dry.
  • A turkey pot.
  • A burner to heat the pot.
  • Plenty of oil, preferably peanut or safflower.

How to Fry a Turkey

In order to safely fry your turkey, you’ll first need to prepare the bird.

Dry Before You Fry

Never under any circumstances should you place a frozen turkey into hot oil. Doing so is incredibly dangerous and a sure-fire way to cause splattering and a Thanksgiving Day disaster. Give your turkey 24-48 hours to thaw prior to hand-drying the inside and outside. They key is to eliminate any exterior/interior moisture, to prevent splattering. Also, make sure to follow your turkey pot’s instruction manual as it pertains to the size of the turkey. Don’t try to use a bigger bird than recommended. Doing so could cause an overflow of hot oil.

Use a High-Quality Oil

Your turkey is going to fry at a temperature around 350°F. One of the best ways to ensure a safe fry is by using a high-quality oil with a high smoke point, such as peanut or safflower oil. Using a high smoke point oil such as peanut or safflower oil is vital to preventing a fire as neither are easily ignitable.

Do Not Overfill Your Turkey Pot with Oil

Assuming you follow the turkey pot’s instruction manual and follow the turkey size guidelines, you should be able to fill your pot to the marked oil line. To be safe, you can also place your turkey into the pot and fill it with water until the turkey is entirely submerged. Then remove your turkey, mark the line and dry out the inside of the pot. Fill the pot with oil to your marked line and wait until the temperature of the oil is between 325-350°F.

Always Fry Your Turkey Outside

As mentioned above, there’s going to be a splash radius of roughly five feet from the turkey pot. It’s critical that you fry the turkey outside, away from your home or garage, and any overhanging tree branches or dry trees. You should also refrain from frying your turkey on a wooden deck or similar structure, as overflowing or spilled oil could result in a fire. Be sure to cover an 8-foot radius with tarps or cardboard to prevent any permanent oil stains on the ground below.

Be Safe

Keep an all-purpose fire extinguisher on hand. Never use water to extinguish a grease fire. Follow the steps above and as seen in the video below in order to safely fry your turkey. Enjoy!

Dont forget to order your Cynch tank to be fully prepared. Use our promo code ITSLIT5 to get your first tank exchange for only $10!