“It wasn’t me” was a famous song released by Shaggy back in 2000, appearing on the multi-platinum Hot Shot album.

It’s also Nelson Agholor’s response to accusations that he’s running a burner account on Twitter, as you can listen to right here:


I have a friend who is in Tampa, we Facetimed today during my break, and he’s like, ‘this is crazy, somebody has talked about you having a burner account, which is nuts.’ And I was like, ‘ah, what are you talking about?’ Then I talked to our PR people, and they told me. So I just wanna know, which one of you, my friends that are here in the media, are gonna go on your Twitter handle, and saying, ‘alright, stop playing with Nelson, this wasn’t him’?

It’s plausible. We concluded earlier this morning in a Crossing Broad investigation that Agholor was probably not responsible for the @efam33 account, which has since been wiped. There are no more tweets from that account.

Likely, this was a troll trying to troll.