Angelo Cataldi With Another Swing and a Miss

Kevin Kinkead | June 3, 2020

Angelo walked up the batter’s box this morning, waited for the pitch, kept his eye on the ball, and then totally whiffed:

I haven’t listened to Angelo’s show this week, so I’m not sure how he’s approached the current situation. We all know he’s a smart guy when he turns off the radio shtick and presents himself like a normal human being.

But this tweet is just a “stick to sports” take, isn’t it? A more mannerly version of the Laura Ingraham “shut up and dribble” line from a few years ago. Station colleague Ike Reese, who has me blocked on Twitter for some reason, responded as such:

Angelo is the same radio host, mind you, who called Mike Trout a “pampered, spoiled brat” because he had concerns about leaving his pregnant wife to play baseball during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s always the same with Cataldi, who thinks athletes exist only for the entertainment of the fans. That’s their sole purpose in life, to go throw a football around so that we have something to watch and something to talk about, or somebody to boo at the draft. Then, if they speak up with their own personal opinion (God forbid), they’re the ones who are out of line because they make millions of dollars and we don’t.

Time’s yours.


Trotter also ripped him:

EDIT 2 –

Scott O’Neil jumping in: