DraftKings Sportsbook Super Bowl Promo: Double Your Money If TD Scored

Bob Wankel | January 26, 2021

DraftKings Sportsbook is going all-in ahead of Super Bowl 55 with up to a $1,000 deposit match and an awesome no-brainer promo for new players who sign up between now and kickoff.

DraftKings’ Super Bowl promo allows new users to double their money if the Chiefs or Buccaneers score at least one touchdown during the big game. There is a max bet of $50. Click here to grab up to a $1,000 deposit bonus and double your money at DraftKings Sportsbook if the Chiefs or Bucs score at least one touchdown.

DraftKings Sportsbook

States: AZ, CO, CT, IA, KY, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, WY



BET $5, GET $200


With oddmakers setting one of the highest game totals in Super Bowl history, plenty of offensive fireworks are expected between two of the game’s elite offenses. Therefore, not only should this bet with ridiculous +100 odds cash in, it will likely do so within the game’s opening quarter. Players can then use their winnings to live bet during the game.


DraftKings Sportsbook Super Bowl 55 “Double Your Money” Promotion

With an intriguing matchup that is highlighted by stars such as Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce and Rob Gronkowski, the betting action
leading up to Super Bowl 55 figures to be substantial.

In order to draw in prospective bettors and stand out among its competition, DraftKings Sportsbook is offering a variety of must-grab special offers.

In addition to its new user deposit bonus of up to $1,000, DraftKings has +100 odds on the Bucs or Chiefs to reach the end zone at least once on bets of up to $50. In terms of no-brainer offers, this one is up there. It’s basically free money.


A No-Brainer Offer

Just how much of a can’t-miss is this offer? Consider some of the following points:

  • A touchdown has been scored in all previous 54 Super Bowls.
  • Including postseason play, the Bucs average 30.7 points per game. The Chiefs average 29.6 points per game.
  • Tampa Bay has scored at least 30 points in six consecutive contests.
  • Kansas City scored at least one touchdown in all 18 of its games and multiple touchdowns in 17 of 18 contests.
  • Tampa Bay scored scored at least one touchdown in 18 of its 19 games and multiple touchdowns in 17 of 19 contests.
  • Oddsmakers at DraftKings Sportsbook have set the game total at 56.5 points, making this one of the highest over/under numbers in Super Bowl history. Plenty of points are expected.

In short, getting these two teams to combine for at least one touchdown is about as close to a lock as it gets.


How To Claim DraftKings’ Super Bowl Odds Boost

Getting signed up with DraftKings Sportsbook and taking advantage of these Super Bowl promo offers is easy.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Start the registration process by clicking here and follow the directions on the landing page.
  • Following registration, select a first deposit method and put at least $5 into a new sportsbook account to activate these special odds. Remember, DraftKings Sportsbook also offers a partial deposit match of up to $1,000, so larger deposits will return a larger bonus.
  • Following deposit, DraftKings will issue a one-time +100 odds boost for either team to score a touchdown during Super Bowl 55.
  • Place a moneyline bet on the Bucs or Chiefs to win at the special odds. Select the odds boost before placing a bet of up to $50. Confirm the wager in the bet slip.
  • This promo is available to new sportsbook players in Colorado, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.

In addition to these new user specials, DraftKings Sportsbook will also offer a variety of prop betting markets and other additional game and player prop boosts leading up to kickoff.

Click here to grab up to $1,000 and double your money at DraftKings Sportsbook if the Chiefs or Bucs score at least one touchdown.

DraftKings Sportsbook

States: AZ, CO, CT, IA, KY, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV, WY



BET $5, GET $200