Paul Domowitch Taking Philadelphia Inquirer Buyout

Kevin Kinkead | June 24, 2021

We’re losing another veteran sports writer.

Paul Domowitch today announced he’s leaving the Philadelphia Inquirer:

The colonoscopy is no joke. You gotta drink something like 10 gallons of Gatorade with Miralax and then you spend the entire night on the toilet.

But anyway, that’s five sports department veterans who are taking buyouts and leaving the Inky. Domo joins a group that also includes Les Bowen, Marc Narducci, Frank Fitzpatrick, and Ed Barkowitz.

I always liked Domo’s writing. He had been covering football for decades. Just a no-nonsense type who didn’t do hot takes or bullshit or anything like that. He came to Philly from Fort Worth, where he was covering the Texas Rangers. He actually started for the Inquirer/Daily News covering boxing and then an Eagles opening eventually presented itself and he’s been doing football ever since.

As for the book he mentions in the tweet, the topic is linebacker Sam Mills, who is a Philadelphia Stars alumnus and Hall of Fame finalist. Pro Bowl linebacker. Great player for the Saints and Panthers back in the day.

I’m curious to see where the Inquirer goes with their Eagles coverage. They lost Zach Berman a few years ago and now Domo and Les are leaving. Jeff McLane is their de facto #1 guy, EJ Smith writes Birds stories, and they recently added this guy Josh Tolentino to the fold. Throw in the columnists – Marcus Hayes, Mike Sielski, and David Murphy – and that’s six dudes on the Eagles. It used to be eight Inquirer guys down at the games, if I remember correctly. There’s always a chance they ask Domo and Les if they’d like to do some freelance writing in pseudo-retirement, so we’ll see how they decide to proceed.

Grats to Domo on a great career.