Travel Baseball Coach Rips Apart a Batter’s Swing, Doesn’t Realize Batter is Mike Trout

Kyle Pagan | February 7, 2022

A grainy video of Mike Trout swinging in a cage was thrown up on Twitter with a facetious ask for someone to help with his swing. Someone took the bait obviously because it is Twitter:

That ball would’ve been in someone’s Schmitter at Harry the K’s if this was CBP:

Travel baseball coaches are the best. I almost saw a fight break out once between coaches because one was taking a little too long with infield practice. Two grown men. Both with 9-5 jobs Monday to Friday. Almost came to blows over 10 year olds taking infield practice longer than expected. I’m pretty sure we invaded Iraq the day prior, so tensions were admittedly high.

Now we’re at the next evolution of crazy travel team dads. Crazy travel team dads who use their travel team’s Twitter account to give swing tips. What travel baseball team needs a Twitter account? Unless you’re tweeting out beautiful lineup graphics or have a whole content team for your U17 baseball team, I don’t get the point. Sure you could highlight members of the team, but don’t college coaches pay thousands of dollars for recruiting firms to help them with that? No one’s on Twitter stumbling across the next Mike Trout.

This was perfect hook, line, and sinker from Matt Lisle. He knows there is nothing #CoachingTwitter loves more than giving tips. Imagine if this was actually a high school prospect and the Evansville Devils Twitter was right. Is he one day going to tell the story about how he was a nobody until a random Twitter account changed his life? No. This is real life. Stick to the pregame speeches.

“Our goals are to hit dingers, disgrace the pitcher’s family, make the other players cry and stomp their butts into the ground.”

P.S. People forget Bob Wankel struck out Mike Trout in high school.

Kinkead: looks like Trout is the man: