RADIO WARS – What We Know About 94 WIP’s Morning Show Replacement Efforts

Kevin Kinkead | June 28, 2022

We re-launched Crossing Broadcast today as a YouTube show. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at noon for a 30-40 minute rundown of the big topics in Philly sports. Kyle P will host and he’ll bring on a rotating cast of CB guys and other guests. It’ll be fun. We’ll do it live!

The main story we focused on today was RADIO WARS, specifically the Angelo Cataldi replacement effort at 94 WIP, which should be finalized in July.

Here’s what I’ve learned about that:

To recap:

  1. Rhea Hughes is remaining with WIP, but may be moving to a different time slot.
  2. Joe DeCamara and Mike Golic (we think senior) are the hot names that keep coming up in discussion.
  3. They are bringing in a woman from the outside, perhaps to join the new morning show.
  4. Audacy CEO David Field is very much involved in the process and lording over VP/Market Manager David Yadgaroff and Brand Manager (aka program director) Rod Lakin.

Let me see if I can hammer out the Golic thing. That name  keeps coming up in conversation and if I can get confirmation on it we’ll do a follow up post. It could be real, or could be a rumor that just got out of control.