Someone was Stabbed at the Linc During a Charity Event

Kyle Pagan | September 13, 2022

Wild story from the Linc Monday morning. Someone was stabbed inside the stadium:

I can’t find anything on this other than a 24 second blurb from Rick Williams on the 11 p.m. Action News. I do know during the time of the stabbing, a 9/11 charity event was going on:

I know what you’re thinking. “Kyle, you praised Eagles fans for not getting in one fight this weekend.” Now people are stabbing their own family members inside the Birds’ stadium. AT A CHARITY EVENT! To which I say – who let a bunch of Raiders fans in the building?

Listen, we already know security wasn’t top notch during preseason. If we’re going to start letting Raiders fans in the building, there needs to be a full cavity search: