Eagles vs. Bucs in the playoffs on Monday night. A.J. Brown left the Giants game injured and now his Twitter account is deactivated:

Quick aside: I can’t wait to do this. Whenever I get laid off or switch careers, my phone is going straight into the Perkiomen Creek.

I think Eagle AL makes a good point though. This could mean one of two things. Either A.J. is completely done with this season and getting ready to hit the casino, or he’s super-focused and doesn’t need the social media distraction. Hopefully it’s the latter and not the former. And who can blame him anyway? He got into the Marcus Hayes-related kerfuffle and didn’t speak with reporters for a bit. He’s probably burned out with the public-facing side of things. We need A.J. catching slants and not spending time on Twitter anyway. Excuse, me, ‘X.’

(UPDATING with these) –