Here’s an update to the Eagles/Packers fan saga from Sunday. Big Dom took out the trash:

Can’t decide if Brian Roberts or Big Dom is the most powerful man in Philly.

Good on the Eagles though. Dudes like this are clowns and shouldn’t be allowed in the stadium. There’s shit talking and then what this guy did. Totally crossed a line and if he’s saying that without batting an eye imagine the shit he’s spewed every time he goes to a game and sees someone with a different team’s jersey. Just a mongoloid with zero self control that deserves to have his life ruined because there are probably countless people in his personal and professional life he’s left in his wake with tirades. And if you were one of the guys that were with him you’re just as much of a piece of shit for not stopping it.

Btw everyone’s gonna give Big Dom his flowers (as they should), but you can’t not give a couple stick taps to John Bolaris. #ThankyouJBO

I love Bolaris having a private line to Big Dom. God I’d pay big money to subpoena that text conversation.

The Eagles fan’s employer also released a statement:

Now lets get it back to the Eagles. It’s Rams week: