I take one picture of people waiting in the frigid snow outside the subway, millions of people see SEPTA treating the citizens of Philadelphia like gum on their shoe, and the next week they magically find a sponsor so Eagles fans can get free rides after Sunday’s game. Better late than never I guess. Just good to see someone in the sales department over there actually earn their paycheck. There’s probably a dude in that office living off the commission he made from Justin M. Bieber ads that hasn’t picked up a phone in a decade. Me? I show you how you get shit done in this city:

Benny Boy has to be PISSED right now. The guy has dedicated his entire life to funding SEPTA and he’s gotten nada. I tweet one picture and money starts flowing. Hey, Benny Boy less photo-ops on the subway and chirps on Twitter. More results. The people want action. The people want outcomes. I’m batting 1.000 right now from the comfort of my couch. You’re swinging at shit in the dirt like you’re wearing red pinstripes and its October.

How can I move mountains and split oceans and I’m just a blogger. Benny Boy actually has the fancy title and all he can do is deploy his staff to harass my friends and call me racist on burners:

What a world we live in. You disagree with a person and point out the incompetence of a organization, who just announced they’re spending another $230 million to fix their last fuck up, and you’re told you’re racist. What a world indeed. But while they go low, we go high. People are saying I should run for his seat. I won’t. If I felt comfortable collecting a free paycheck to do jack shit I’d run. Unfortunately I was born with integrity and accountability. Something Benny Boy could learn.

I won’t be able to enjoy in the splendors of these free rides because I’ll be on Broad Street after the Eagles win on Sunday. But I hope everyone enjoys their time on the BSL now that they won’t be held up by someone who doesn’t know how to work Apple Pay. Hopefully they’ll get the platform nonsense under control too. And I know DraftKings will get the majority of the pub and they deserve it. I don’t do this job for the glory I do it for the people. But the real ones will whisper on the platform while they’re waiting for a train, “Thank you, Pagan. Pagan, thank you.” Go Birds.