A bunch of Eagles players were at the Sixers game Tuesday night to ring the bell:

Hidden in the barrage of tweets typical during a game was the first congratulations the Sixers social team sent out after beating Josh Harris’ Commies on Sunday…a good 48 hours ago. They thought they could sneak it by us.

Does this count as the tweet? I guess? Maybe? I don’t know…

Somewhere Josh Harris is reading that looking like someone just shot his dog:

A lower case congrats. No “Go Birds.” This feels half ass like you were bullied into this by Eagles fans… cause you were. Would this tweet have happened if the Sixers didn’t make some calls and invite the Eagles out to ring the bell? Was this damage control for the PR hit? Do the Sixers owners not believe in the First Amendment? All valid questions.

I don’t subscribe to the “owners can’t own multiple teams” narrative. As long as they spend money on players, hire good people, and take care of their team with good amenities and proper training staff I can live with it, which Josh Harris and Co. have done with the Sixers. What I can’t stand is that there might be even 1% truth to the fact the person in charge of social is worried about losing their job over a congrats because the Eagles beat the team of the guy who signs their checks. That’s where you lose me. Even if this wasn’t a direct order from Harris not to tweet anything and just the Sixers social team slipping up. You can’t do that. The optics are terrible, and as Kinker wrote earlier this week, Philly fans love optics. We’ll take a harmless narrative and spin it so fast it’ll make your head spin.  We need to get mad at something every week. We need our pound of flesh.

Real recognize real, eh? What do you mean by that?

P.S. It’s going to be very funny to watch Philly fans spin the narrative of why it’s ok for Jeffrey Lurie to buy the Celtics when they’ve killed Josh Harris before the ink even dried on the Commies sale, but that’s a story for another day.